Business owners trying to catapult their website into Google’s radar can save themselves time and precious money on the trial-and-error approach by signing up for Genius SEO Tools’ checklists. These checklists, which cover all aspects of SEO strategy, provide step-by-step instruction to developing a SEO-savvy website that is loved by local and global search engines.

Ask just about any SEO expert or agency: the road to getting your website ranking highly on local and global search engines is one that is RIDDLED with potholes and obstacles, if not entire herds of slow-moving cattle. It’s taken these experts and agencies many months of grueling work, costly trial-and-error and dogged determination to develop an SEO strategy that works for their clients, obviously with a bit of tweaking here and there.

But, if the experts have found developing successful SEO strategy to be a game of hit-and-miss, how on Earth can you – as a total newbie to the world of online marketing – be expected to do it yourself? As it is, you’ve only JUST learned what SEO means and why it’s important… how can you now be expected to take the resources provided to you by Genius SEO Tools and spin golden results from thin air?

Without bursting a tire on a pothole or turning those cattle into burgers, that is.

Our Awesome SEO Checklists. That’s How.

Genius SEO Tools provides Step-by-Step Checklists for you to go through as you implement each stage of your SEO strategy. If you follow each step as it is laid out and make sure it’s completed before moving on to the next item on the list, you’ll get your website ranking in no time and before long, it could be skyrocketing to the top of Google’s search results page for your chosen keywords!

Our SEO Checklists cover the seven fundamental facets of any SEO strategy:

  1. Keyword Research: Compile lists of highly effective keywords that will put your website on the radars of search engines. And why bother with your own learning curve when you can learn from the successes and failures of your competition?
  2. Search Engine Optimization: Perfect your website’s structure, navigation and content, leaving it highly visible and relevant in the eyes of search engines.
  3. Link Building: Use great content and social media to build a network of quality backlinks, while eradicating toxic links that might be leading to your site.
  4. Blogging: Don’t just publish your mental musings on the Internet. Make your blogs WORK for you with our step-by-step SEO strategy for content publishing.
  5. Social Networking: Master today’s state-of-the-art social media optimization and promotion strategies to drive hoards of potential clients and customers to your website.
  6. Content Submission: Follow our step-by-step checklist when publishing content to learn how to submit and promote it effectively, so that your target audience can find it.
  7. Paid Advertising: Nothing comes for free, so when you make the decision to invest capital in your online marketing efforts, be sure to go through our Paid Advertising SEO check-list to squeeze every last drop of profit out of your mobile ads, affiliate marketing and PPC advertising.

Perfect Your SEO Strategy With Our SEO Check-Lists

It’s a theme in today’s business world: everyone wants the best for the least amount of money. Previously, being able to manage your website’s own SEO strategy was a time-consuming game of hit-and-miss, which, in most cases, business owners would end up quitting anyway. But, with Genius SEO Tools’ Step-by-Step Checklists, you really can do it yourself and you’ll not only learn a skill that is CRUCIAL in today’s digitalized world; you’ll also save yourself the tens of thousands of Rands it would cost to hire an expert or SEO agency!