Hey! Welcome back to our blog series on keyword research! If you haven’t yet read our previous installments, it’s important you do so or else you’ll be missing some crucial information and advice! Click on the following links to complete your education:

Part 1: What is Keyword research?
Part 2: How search volume and competition can help you get ranked?
Part 3: KEI: Keyword efficiency Index and how it can help you rank.
Part 4: How to do keyword research using Google?
Part 5: How does google keyword planner work?
Part 6: 4 Ways Google’s Adword planner could be harming you.
Part 7: What are the keyword research metrics I should be looking at?

As it was previously mentioned, the “average monthly search volume” is an incredibly broad term and while it can provide you with a good indicator of how relevant a keyword is to your business/industry, it doesn’t say much else beyond that! This is where Google Trends can step in to become an exceptionally useful free keyword research tool. Google Trends shows “how frequently a particular keyword or phrase is used relative to the total search volume across various regions of the world, and in various languages.”

Thanks again, Wikipedia. See full Wikipedia Article Here.

Top reasons you should use Google trends for SEO

Where traditional keyword research tools are focused on delivering exact-match monthly keyword volume, Google Trends wasn’t built to hand over static keyword volume; it was built to generate visual, dynamic insights that paint a portrait of the life of a keyword phrase – past, present, and potentially (as much as we can predict it) future. Self-proclaimed by Google as the “always-on Google zeitgeist,” Google created Trends so we could see the pulse of search as it happens with stats about trending phrases and hot-right-now queries at our fingertips, and as it happened with 2004-to-present historical data.

Unlike keyword research, which tends to be very one-dimensional, Trends shows you a multidimensional view of queries and how they have evolved as a result of factors like seasonality, geographic location, and media coverage.

Google Trends is a serious marketing strategy tool that can be used for keyword research, but really shouldn’t be consider just another keyword research tool.

Bruce Clay Inc, 10 Reasons You Should Use Google Trends for More Than Just Keyword Research, View Full Article Here.

Where To From Here?

What we’ve essentially shown you in this Section is where to begin your keyword research and that’s with the very engine SEO pivots around: Google. Google’s “autocomplete,” “related searches,” Adword planner and Trends all empower you to create a list of keyword and phrase possibilities that could vastly increase your business’ online visibility and profitability.

But this is only the START. Google’s free keyword research tools come with many deficiencies and are only a portion of the entire picture. What you should really do now is enlist the help of several other keyword research tools that operate outside the realm of Google. The good news is that there are a myriad to choose from and many of them are free. However, as with most things in life, the paid options are often the most comprehensive and useful.

Want to learn more? Click Here to check out our Ultimate Guide To Keyword Research – it’s FREE and contains the A-Z of advice on putting together a killer list of keywords that’ll drive unprecedented volumes of traffic to your website..